Summer 2004
A huge crowd at the Tokyo Orientation -- and this is only Group A. Group B came a week later.
Tokyo stetches out forever...
The Tokyo Tower
Mt. Fuji seen from the plane to Toyama
My desk as it looked on my first day
My apartment building
The enterance to my apartment
A crane flies over the drained rice fields of my school
My apartment and the highway as seen from the roof of Sati
My former Host Mother
Good advice
A river on the path to school
Rice fields by school
The train station near school
A tanooki welcomes you to the underpass by my apartment
George Washington invites you to take a free pamphlet
Robin-kun and Jon-chan hanging out by my host parent's house
With my host mother, Ed, and Dan
Host father points out the mountain
The Bon-odori festival in Shikoku
With the Shikoku Host Cousins
Osaka-Kyoto line
Shimano beach
Classic "feet in the ocean" shot
The withered moor of Mt. Taté
View from my balcony
Photos on my wall. (Note: the wall is NOT concrete. It's just a concrete patterned wallpaper. For Some Reason.)
It looks sort of like a model train village
"Dream Facory" Calligraphy from a vendor in Yatsuo for the Awa-odori Festival
Tree frog near the school
The yellow ripening rice fields and the typhoon filled clouds
Misty Mountains
The Takaoka train yard
The Great Buddha of Takaoka